Ultrasonic liquid level sensor: working principle, advantages, application and installation precautions

Liquid level monitoring is a crucial task in modern industries, agriculture, healthcare, and daily life. With the rapid development of technology, ultrasonic liquid level sensors have gradually become a leader in the field of liquid level monitoring due to their high precision, high reliability, and non-contact measurement characteristics. This article will delve into the working principle, significant advantages, wide applications, and installation precautions of ultrasonic liquid level sensors, taking you to appreciate the charm of this technological product.


1. Working principle of ultrasonic liquid level sensor


The working principle of ultrasonic liquid level sensors is based on the principles of ultrasonic propagation and echo reflection. Sensors are mainly composed of two parts: transmitter and receiver. When working, the transmitter emits ultrasonic pulses, which propagate through a medium (such as air or liquid) to the surface of the object being measured (such as a liquid surface) and reflect off the surface. Subsequently, the receiver receives the returned ultrasonic signal and converts it into an electrical signal. By accurately measuring the time it takes for ultrasonic waves to be emitted, reflected, and received, combined with known sound velocity, the distance between the measured object and the sensor can be calculated, thereby determining the height of the liquid level.

Different models of ultrasonic liquid level sensors may use different working principles, such as time difference method, frequency modulation method, and phase method, each with its unique advantages and applicable scenarios. But regardless of the method used, its core is to utilize the propagation characteristics of ultrasonic waves to achieve non-contact liquid level control

2.Advantages of Ultrasonic Liquid Level Sensor

High precision: Compared to traditional contact type liquid level sensors, ultrasonic liquid level sensors can detect smaller liquid volumes and higher liquid level accuracy, meeting the demand for high-precision measurement.


High reliability: Adopting non-destructive technology, it will not cause damage to the system, and can detect small bubbles and impurities in the liquid, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of liquid level measurement.

High sensitivity: able to detect small fluctuations in liquid level, ensuring accurate monitoring even when the liquid flows.


Easy to maintain: does not rely on mechanical structure, replaces sensor components quickly and easily, and is easy to calibrate and adjust.


Non contact measurement: avoids wear, contamination, and safety hazards caused by contact, especially suitable for measuring corrosive, high-temperature, high-pressure, or viscous liquids.

3.Application of Ultrasonic Liquid Level Sensor

Ultrasonic liquid level sensors have been widely used in multiple fields due to their significant advantages:

In the industrial field, it is used for liquid level monitoring of storage tanks, reaction vessels, and other equipment in industries such as chemical, petroleum, and pharmaceutical to ensure production safety and improve production efficiency.

Environmental protection field: In the process of water treatment, sewage treatment, etc., monitor the liquid level changes of water bodies such as water tanks, water towers, and rivers, adjust treatment process parameters, and prevent environmental pollution.


Energy industry: Accurate measurement of liquid level height in storage facilities such as oil tanks and gas cylinders, providing a basis for energy scheduling and inventory management.


Smart Home: Used for liquid level monitoring of smart water tanks, smart bathtubs, and other devices to improve convenience and comfort in daily life.


Agricultural irrigation: Monitor the liquid level changes of irrigation water tanks to achieve precise irrigation and water-saving irrigation.


4.Installation precautions for ultrasonic liquid level sensor

To ensure accurate measurement and stable operation of the ultrasonic liquid level sensor, the following points should be noted during installation:

Avoid interference: The installation location should be away from elements that may cause interference, such as entrances and exits, mixers, and obstacles.


Representative installation: The installation position of the liquid level gauge should be representative and able to truly reflect the liquid level of the measured liquid.


Vertical installation: The sensor should be installed perpendicular to the liquid level to ensure that ultrasonic waves can be accurately reflected and captured by the receiver.


Distance control: The distance between the sensor and the liquid level should be moderate, neither too close to avoid liquid fluctuations affecting the measurement, nor too far to ensure effective signal reflection.


Environmental adaptability: Pay attention to factors such as temperature, humidity, and corrosive gases in

the installation environment, and take corresponding protective measures.


Safety regulations: In explosive environments, explosion-proof ultrasonic level gauges should be selected and installed and used strictly in accordance with explosion-proof requirements.


Regular maintenance: After installation, initial debugging is required, and sensors need to be calibrated, inspected, and maintained regularly to ensure that they are in good working condition.

Ultrasonic liquid level sensors have demonstrated strong application potential and value in multiple fields due to their high precision, high reliability, high sensitivity, and non-contact measurement characteristics. By gaining a deeper understanding of its working principle, advantages, applications, and installation precautions, we can better utilize this technology product to improve the efficiency and accuracy of liquid level monitoring, bringing more convenience and surprises to modern industry, agriculture, healthcare, and daily life. With the continuous advancement of technology and the expansion of application scenarios,

ultrasonic liquid level sensors will continue to play an important role, creating more possibilities for our lives.

 Source: Sensor Expert Network