
Accelerometer Selection Guide


Overview 概述

Many technologies have been used to construct accelerometers.  The most common include Piezoelectric (PE), Integral Electronics Piezoelectric (IEPE), Piezoresitive (PR) and Variable Capacitance (VC). Each technology offers numerous benefits and is used in different applications.

工程振动量值的物理参数常用位移、速度和加速度来表示。由于在通常的频率范围内振动位移幅值量很小,且位移、速度和加速度之间都可互相转换,所以在实际使用中振动量的大小一般用加速度的值来度量。常用单位为:米/2 (m/s2),或重力加速度(g)



Piezoelectric accelerometers (PE)

PE accelerometers incorporate piezoelectric crystals such as quartz or tourmaline or more often with ferroelectric ceramic materials.  These accelerometers are self-charging devices, meaning that they create an electric signal when a force is applied.  No power supply is required however an external charge amplifier is required to convert the high impedance output to a usable low impedance voltage signal. Due to the high impedance output of PE accelerometers noise treated cables are required.

压电式(PE)- 原理和特点

Integral Electronics Piezoelectric (IEPE)

Piezoelectric accelerometers are often packaged with on-board integral electronics that provide an amplified voltage signal output. The use of an internal amplifier eliminates the need to use noise treated cables but does require an external constant current power supply to power the electronics.





Piezoresistive (PR)

Piezoresistive accelerometers incorporate an active Wheatstone bridge to generate an output signal when stressed. The Wheatstone bridge configuration is typically etched on a MEMS (Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems) sensing element. PR accelerometers require an external DC power supply and internal signal conditioning can be incorporated to provide an amplified output. They are ideal for both steady-state as well as dynamic measurements.


应变压阻式加速度传感器的敏感芯体为半导体材料制成电阻测量电桥,其结构动态模型仍然是弹簧质量系统。现代微加工制造技术MEMS (Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems)的发展使压阻形式敏感芯体的设计具有很大的灵活性以适合各种不同的测量要求。在灵敏度和量程方面,从低灵敏度高量程的冲击测量,到直流高灵敏度的低频测量都有压阻形式的加速度传感器。同时压阻式加速度传感器测量频率范围也可从直流信号到具有刚度高,测量频率范围到几十千赫兹的高频测量。超小型化的设计也是压阻式传感器的一个亮点。需要指出的是尽管压阻敏感芯体的设计和应用具有很大灵活性,但对某个特定设计的压阻式芯体而言其使用范围一般要小于压电型传感器。压阻式加速度传感器的另一缺点是受温度的影响较大,实用的传感器一般都需要进行温度补偿。在价格方面,大批量使用的压阻式传感器成本价具有很大的市场竞争力,但对特殊使用的敏感芯体制造成本将远高于压电型加速度传感器。压阻加速计需要外部驱动电压,内部可以合成信号放大器输出放大信号。此类加速度计的同时适用于静态和动态测试测量。


Variable Capacitance (VC)

Variable capacitance accelerometers incorporate a seismic mass that moves between two parallel capacitor plates. The change in capacitance in directly proportional to the applied acceleration. VC accelerometers require an IC to be closely coupled to the sensing element in order to convert the very small capacitance changes into a voltage output. This conversion process often adds noise to the signal. VC accelerometers are ideal for both steady-state as well as dynamic measurements however the bandwidth is typically limited.


Which Technology to Use?如何选择传感器?


No one technology can effectively meet the application requirements of all customers.  Each technology has its own unique strengths and weaknesses.  Below is a chart (Figure 1) that lists Key Measurement Criteria and accelerometer technologies.  The black circle under each technology indicates a unique strength of that technology.  For example, you will see that PE has a black circle beside High Temperature Capability and Broad Temperature Range.



Figure 1:  Strengths of Accelerometer Technologies






Key Measurement Criteria


Integrated Electronics Piezoelectric


Variable Capacitance

Low Noise



High Temperature Capability


Low Temperature Capability


No Power Required


Signal Stability




Steady State Measurements



Dynamic Measurements












Lower Cost




Wide g Range


Wide Frequency Range




Broad Temperature Range


Low Cable Noise



Can Use Low Cost Cable




Can Use Long Cable Lengths



Easy to Install




Withstand Radiation


Stability over Temperature



Stable ZMO over Time



No Low Frequency Roll-Off




PE vs IEPE Type Accelerometers重点分析压电(PE)和压电放大类(IEPE)传感器优缺点


The advantages and disadvantages of PE and IEPE type accelerometers are listed in the chart below (Figure 2). Some typical applications are also listed below the chart.



Figure 2:  Strengths of Accelerometer Technologies


Sensor Type




1. Adjustable full scale output through range changes in charge amplifier


2. High temperature operation to 700oC available for special purpose devices

特殊情况下传感器可以应用到700 oC

3. Simpler design, fewer parts


4. Charge converter electronics is usually at ambient condition, away from test environment


1. High impedance circuitry must be kept clean and dry (sensor, low noise cable, charge converter amplifier)


2. Special low noise cable required to minimize triboelectric noise (generated by cable motion)


3. Capacitive loading from long cable run results in noise floor increase


4. External charge amplifier is usually not sealed against contaminants



1. Less operator attention, training and installation expertise required


2. High impedance circuitry sealed in sensor is more resistant to contaminants


3. Uses standard coaxial cable or ribbon wire


4. Drives long cables without noise increase or loss of resolution


5. Lower total system cost per channel


1. Full scale output characteristics fixed within sensor-- lack of range adjustability


2. Limited temperature range (oC for general purpose, oC for special purpose)


3. Discharge time constant (affects low frequency response characteristics) is fixed within the sensor


4. The built-in amplifier is always exposed to the same test environment as the sensor




· Measurements in contaminated environments (high humidity, moisture, dirty/dusty, high electromagnetic interference) favor the use of low output impedance IEPE transducers.

· 在脏污环境下(高湿度,潮气,灰尘,高电磁干扰)测量时,建议用地内阻的IEPE加速度传感器

· Measurements in extreme thermal environments favor the selection of PE transducers. General purpose IEPE sensors are limited to a relatively limited operating range (-55oC to +125oC) compared to PE type sensors.

· 在极端环境温度下测量,建议用PE加速度传感器

· Long cable runs favor the use of IEPE transducers due to noise floor and per-channel costs (PE required low noise cables and in-line remote charge converters increase costs).

· 远距离测量时使用IEPE加速度传感器可以减少噪声和电缆成本。

· Shock measurements where the likely measurement range is unknown favors the use of PE type sensors.

· 在测量冲击(量程)大小不清楚的情况下,建议用PE型加速度传感器

· Measurements on small and lightweight structures favors the selection of low output impedance IEPE transducers which allow the use of very flexible ribbon wires as the output cable.

· 在轻小型机构测量中,因为运动幅度较大,建议用IEPE加速度传感器 ,电缆柔韧度好。

· If use of TEDS technology sensors is desired, use of IEPE transducers is required

· 如果有要求用TEDS身份识别技术,就必须要IEPE加速度传感器了。